Monday, December 24, 2012

Text Path

First I wrote my name and converted path so that each letter was grouped by it's self. I then went to online to find some images and I found 5 different textures. We then copied and pasted the textures into the letters. Each letter with it own texture. After I was done coping the textures into each letter I grouped all the letters together, and then exported my image using the best file.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


This is my cornucopia. In my cornucopia I made apples. carrots, corn, grapes, pears, pumpkin, sunflowers, squash, and custom made cornucopia and leaves.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012



In this graphic I added a glow, Gaussian blur, and a zoom blur.
The glow made a black shadow around all the text, the Gaussian blur made it so all the text blurred, and the zoom blur made it so the inside of the text is less burred than the outside.  

In this graphic I added a drop shadow, and a motion blur. The drop shadow made it so a shadow is behind the graphic, and the motion blur makes it look like the text is shaking.

In this graphic all I added was a inner bevel, the inner bevel makes the text have more depth, and it matches the canvas color.

Optimizing and Exporting Graphics

Optimizing and Exporting Graphics

The first thing I did to optimize my graphic was made it so I could use 4 different copies of the image to see which format looked the best. In Fireworks you can change your .png file to any of the 7 different file types that are given to you, each of the file types can change many things about your image including, the file size, the quality, and the amount of colors that could be added in your image. There are 5 different .gif files, and 2 different .jpeg files. What I did to optimize my graphic was choose the best file type for my image, which is JPEG - Better Quality. Next I increased the quality of my image, and that is how I optimized my graphic!       

Friday, November 9, 2012

Art Terminology Definitions

Art Terminology Definitions

Hue- Hue is another word for color.
Chroma- Chroma is the strength, and intensity of a color.
Tint- The action of tinting is adding white with the original color, the opposite of shade.
Tone- Tone is the lightness or darkness of a color, tone gives a sense of depth in a image.
Shade- The action of shading is adding black to the original color, the opposite of tint.
Complimentary Colors- Complimentary Colors are colors that are opposite on the color wheel. Examples: red and green, blue and orange, and yellow and purple.
Analogous Colors- Analogous Colors are any set of three or five colors, normally next to each other on the color wheel.
Contrasting Colors- Contrasting Colors are light colors vs. dark colors, some artist use contrasting colors to direct the viewer's attention to a certain point.
Texture- Texture gives the image more of a feeling.
Graphic Design-Graphic Design is a creative process that combines ate and technology, the main tools are different programs on the computer like Photoshop and Fireworks.
Balance- Balance is when everything in the image is equally balanced through out the image.
Symmetry- Symmetry is either side of the central axis is similar.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Graphic Format

Graphic Formats

PNG: The Portable Network Graphics format. Was created to replace GIF for free, it handles 1 to 48 bit images, well-compressed format like GIF. Still not very popular.
GIF: Graphics Interchange Format. Is very good and still a popular picture format. The down side to GIF images is that it can only have 256 colors, or 256 shades of grey, and you can also see a low resolution version of the picture before downloading it.
JPG/JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group. Has the file name suffix .JPG, the idea of JPEG is that as it compresses the data it throws some of it away.  
TIFF: Tag Image File Format. Many people say Tagged instead of Tag, which is technically incorrect but minimally important. TIFF was a large, unwieldy, 24 bit format until version 6 came out.
